Virtual Conference Submissions
For the 2025, virtual conference submissions on all topics in our field are welcome, but we particularly encourage and invite submissions that address the way(s) in which pedagogy for the cinematic arts is evolving to address AI and the changing landscape of careers within the entertainment industry worldwide.
Conference Pre-Constituted Paper-panel sessions are 105 minutes in duration and include four participants. Each person has twenty minutes to speak, so plan accordingly. Q & A is reserved for the end of the session, after all participants have presented.
Conference Panel sessions are 105 minutes in duration and typically include no more than four participants with one serving as the moderator. Each panelist must be a member of UFVA. Q & A is an essential part of the panel session and time should be reserved for discussion.
Workshops are special 105-minute sessions designed to share original and innovative approaches to the teaching of media production, screenwriting, history, and critical analysis. The programming committee welcomes workshop submissions from all members, but please note that there are a limited number of workshop slots available.
The committee will evaluate submissions according to the following criteria:
Originality and innovation in approach.
Usefulness of information.
Interactivity of format.
Potential take-aways from the workshop, including handouts, website links, etc.
If the workshop has been presented in the past three years, please explain new perspectives and outcomes that will be incorporated.
You must be a current UFVA member to submit work and present it at the conference. All members are entitled to submit as a panelist, paper presenter, or workshop presenter. Submissions should be current topics or new research within the last two years that have not been previously presented at UFVA.
The registration fee will be $25 for non-members and free for current UFVA members.